If you want to write something, ask any question, cooperate or hire me for photoshooting, you can contact me in any in any social network, messenger or through the form below.
Если вы хотите мне что-то написать, спросить, сотрудничать или нанять меня на съёмку, вы можете связаться со мной через любую соц. сеть, мессенджер или через форму ниже.
Instagram: Archibald_sonnenhaft
WhatsUp: +79182978899
VK: Archi_sonnenhaft
Telegram: +79182978899

I can help you with any kind of photo shoot: personal portrait, “the love story” with your soul mate, walking photo shoot, studio, documentary… The complexity is limited only by your imagination and finances! Contact me for a detailed discussion and calculation of all expenses.
- Basic shooting begins with the appointment of a date a week before shooting, and some preparation a few days before we’ll start (I’ll help you with the idea, some references, one image and several props). This includes 1-3 hours of shooting. As a result, you will get about 50 successful photos and 10-15 photos in retouching for 7-14 days after shooting (preview shots on the next day). Also you can get a set of 8 printed postcards in 2 weeks.
$500 — the starting price.
You can also order a postcard (a set or just one). With any of my picture or a random one. I will send it to you by post (yes, with a real stamp, it still works now!) in a paper envelope or separately to anywhere in the world. Write me an email to select the postcards and calculate the delivery.