This week there were two photo exhibitions dedicated to Tianjin, in which I was able to participate. And not only to participate, but also to take prizes! (first and second).

(The beautiful Tianta)
For the first contest “身边的国社会中,眼中的天津” (“The international community around you, Tianjin in your eyes”) I submitted the photo 5 months ago. It was an event from the 天津市人民对外犮好协会 (Tianjin People’s Association of Good Relations with Foreign Countries).
It took place not far from one of the most beautiful districts of Tianjin — “the”, near the river. There is a lot of beautiful European architecture here, at the end of the post there are several photos of this area.
And for the second contest
“洋眼看天津〞(“Foreign Eyes look at Tianjin”) was organize by 天津市国际才交流协会 (Tianjin International Talent Exchange Association). Honestly, I didn’t choose the photo, my school at the university sent it for me. I’m a little surprised that this photo was chosen, and this photo took the prize. I don’t like this shot. Although all works at that place was amateur, so this is understandable.
The event was far from the city (an hour’s drive) in the industrial area of Tianjin. As it turned out, the sponsor of this event is the official Volkswagen manufacturer in China.

Taken on Sony a7m2 with Sony FE 24-105 f4 G (and Godox 850ii flash)