Catfe. Photographer in Tianjin, China. Archibald Sonnenhaft

Up to a month of living with a cat in a friend’s apartment in Guangzhou, Alina and I would never have thought of going to a “cat cafe”. But after meeting bleki and parting with him, a fluffy lump began to be missing in our life. So…

Catfe. Photographer in Tianjin, China. Archibald Sonnenhaft
Catfe. Photographer in Tianjin, China. Archibald Sonnenhaft

We found a cafe with cats near the house. The entrance ticket costs about 10$, but in the 大众点评 you can get a discount — 15$ for couple. For this price you’ll get 2 cups of coffee and more then 20 cats.

Catfe. Photographer in Tianjin, China. Archibald Sonnenhaft

I realized that there are several dozen cat caffee in Tianjin. And they’re located in almost every district and shopping center.

Catfe. Photographer in Tianjin, China. Archibald Sonnenhaft

Taken on Sony a7m4 with Sony FE 24-105 f4 G